Sunday, May 28, 2017

Graduation Day

It's finally oldest son has graduated highschool. We had a precious ceremony for Ryder and the pastor's daughter, Emily at our church.  It was really beautiful and special. I love this boy more than life itself. I have watched him grow from that tiny 4 pound infant into a 6 foot tall man. I know the cliche "where did the time go" is used all the time, but it truly seemed to just fly right by. I am so proud of my boy. He has always been fiercely independent and hard working. He will succeed at whatever he does.  God has blessed me  beyond comprehension. I can never thank Him enough for all He has done. He is so good!
Now this momma says "One down...five to go!" Lol

Singing "Farther Along"

Getting his diploma, a check from the church, and a brand new Bible

My preacious boy

Mamaw Anna

The two graduates

My 6 boys

Uncle Jonathan and Aunt Becky

Granddad and Mimi

Aunt Joy and Uncle Jamin

We sure love this boy

His girlfriend, Shelby, and her parents

1 comment:

Peggy said...

This is a wonderfully sweet post!