Wow, has it really been 8 months since I blogged! No excuses! Just busy living my life. No time to sit in front of a computer...unless I'm couponing :) Anyway, wanted to share a few things that's been going on here lately. Daniel was baptized in June. He got saved 3 years ago. But was just now ready to take that next step and be baptized. So thankful for Daniel. He's my brave...try anything...not afraid of anything boy!! Love him so much. Can't wait to see what God has planned for his life. 

Then he has begun football playing. Yikes! My first football player. He's been begging to play for weeks so we signed him up and he started last week. It's so hot!! But he doesn't care. We are so thankful for a good Christian coach that puts God and family first. Because he will be missing practices when we have revival and youth meetings and such and he totally understands. There's even a couple homeschoolers on the team. So that's cool. Go Daniel!!
Then on June 23rd, Braden turned 16!! He got his license and is driving! Double yikes! Haha Wow! Seriously, where does time go? And on July 6th, Ryder turned 17! They're both driving...both have trucks. Ryder is working constantly. Lord willing, will graduate this year. Braden is a junior. And is looking for a job. My life is very busy. Daniel is going into the 6th grade...Zek 3rd...Colt 1st...and Gunner is just into everything... But hey he potty trained faster than any of my kids. I told my mom it's about time I caught a break lol. I sure do love my family and am so thankful.